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From: Avv. Domenico Bianculli
Date: Tue., Oct. 8, 2019, 19:26
Subject: Garante / Google
EgregioDott. Derin,
Le inoltroilProvvedimento del Garante per la protezionedeidatipersonalicontro Google LLC, che ci ha datopienamenteragione, imponendo a Google di cancellarei link negatividallericerche correlate al Suo nominativo. Google rimuoveràirisultati di ricercasegnalatinei termini previsti dal provvedimento.
Dearest Dr. Derin, I forward you the juridical sentence order issued from the Guarantor of Privacy Law of related its department of Justice, that have sentenced positive declaration in Your favour, and against GOOGLE LLC, and imperative order GOOGLE LLC to cancel all the indicated into sentence attached URL links in internet that have negative info not true on matter of facts info against you/ your name; then GOOGLE is obliged within the time indicated from this law order sentence to cancel all of them.
Porgol’occasione per porgerLecordialisaluti/ Best Regards
Avv. Domenico Bianculli/ Attorney At Law Domenico Bianculli
Studio LegaleParente&Bianculli&Associati/Legal Lawyer Firm
VialedelleMilizie, 96 – 00192 Roma